Contact A Person!

We’ve tried to include a lot of information on our website that we hope you found useful but we know that a lot you just don’t share our obsession with labels and adhesives and what not.

If you couldn’t find what you wanted or if you didn’t even look and you’d rather just get a bit of guidance, use the form below or just pick up the phone and call us (it will be answered by a person, you won’t need to choose from a list of option).

We’d love to hear form you and we’ll try and make your label headache go away. Even if there is something you can't find on our site, let us know as it may still be something we can offer you.

Your Enquiry

Thank you for getting in touch. We'll get back to you with our response as quickly as we can.

North & South labels Limited
Unit 1, 56a Bensham Grove
Thornton Heath
Surrey, CR7 8DA

Tel: 020 8653 4477

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
09:00 to 17:00

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